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Tee Ball Boys & Girls Ages 4–6

  • Players learn the fundamentals of teamwork, hitting, fielding and base running with an emphasis on FUN :)

  • Ball is hit off a batting tee

  • Each full inning all players field a defense position and hits once

  • Typically 3 innings played per game

  • Simplified rules to encourage player success and involvement

  • No scores or standings are kept, and no umpire

  • Safety tee ball used

  • REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: Mitt. Cleats are recommended but not required. All other gear is provided.

  • PLAYERS MUST BE 4 YEARS OF AGE BY APRIL 1, 2025, no exceptions.


Registration Fee: $75 + fundraising requirement includes hat & shirt

The Tee Ball season usually begins the second week of April and runs through May/early June. Typically, a team will have 1 to 2 practices per week, for the first few weeks, and then practices may taper off in favor of a games-only schedule. Two games are scheduled per week.
Practices for Tee Ball begin in mid-March, you will not be contacted by your Manager (head coach) until that time. All of the other divisions will already be playing games by the time Tee Ball begins—so don't panic! We have not forgotten you!