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Minor B Softball (Machine Pitch) Girls League Age 7–8

  • Initial concepts of softball with some progression to more complex concepts

  • Emphasis on throwing, catching, hitting and sportsmanship

  • Assessment required (for safety)

  • Chinook Little League interlocks to play games against other local Little Leagues. 

  • No scores or standings are kept, and no umpire

  • 10-inch safety softball is used

  • REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: Mitt and cleats, softball pants (style selected by team managers), personal helmet recommended.


Registration Fee: $130 + fundraising requirement includes jersey

Minor A Softball (Intro to Kid Pitch) Girls League Age 9–11

  • 8 year olds can try out for Minor A Softball, they will be evaluated during assessments to determine required skill sets
  • Assessment required

  • First year of player pitching

  • Player pitching is from 35 feet

  • Play becomes competitive

  • Increased player skill sets (add stealing and sliding)

  • 60 foot diamond

  • Scores and standings are kept

  • Games are umpired by volunteer umpires

  • Chinook Little League interlocks to play games against other local Little Leagues. 

  • 11-inch regulation softball is used
  • REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: Mitt and cleats, softball pants (style selected by team managers), personal helmet recommended.


ASSESSMENT DATES: To be determined, please watch email for details. 

Registration Fee: $175 + fundraising requirement includes jersey

Majors Softball Girls League Age 10–12

  • Assessment required

  • Player pitching is from 40 feet

  • Competitive play

  • 60 foot diamond

  • Scores and standings are kept

  • Games are umpired by volunteer umpires

  • Chinook Little League interlocks to play games against other local Little Leagues.

  • 12-inch Little League regulation softball is used

  • REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: Mitt and cleats, softball pants (style selected by team managers), personal helmet recommended.


ASSESSMENT DATES: To be determined, please watch email for details. 

Registration Fee: $175 + fundraising requirement includes jersey

Big League Juniors Softball Girls League Age 13–14

On-deck batter is allowed
Player pitching is from 43 feet (High School regulation)
Competitive play
Teams allowed to play double-headers
60 foot diamond
Scores and standings are kept
Games are umpired by volunteer umpires
Interlocked league play with other District 10 teams with an occasional out of district game
Assessment required


12-inch Little League regulation softball is used



REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: Mitt and cleats, softball pants (style selected by team managers), personal helmet recommended.

ASSESSMENT DATES: To be determined,  please watch email for details. 

Registration Fee: $200 + fundraising requirement includes jersey